Sunday, December 14, 2008

World Botanical Gardens, Umuama Falls and Rain Forest

Once I reached the the eastern coast, I headed south towards Mauna Loa. I took a little detour through the village of Pa'auillo to get a feel for the way the locals lived. 
As I continued on I passed by what I thought was an old abandoned church along the side of the road, it looked so interesting that I had to turn around and check it out. The sign said: church service at 9:30. It could of been old but who knows. There was still stuff like folding chairs in storage under the building. 
I checked the map and saw that there was a Botanical garden ahead so I made my way towards it, enjoying the incredible drive long the coast with the top down on the convertible.
It turns out the Botanical garden included a view of Umuama Falls and a walk through a rain forest. I ended  up spending a couple of hours viewing the falls, walking the rain forest and the botanical gardens, maybe the highlight of my journey. 

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